YA Indie Carnival Featured Author: Sean Hayden

Today on the YA Indie Carnival we have Sean Hayden, author of Origins, a Demonkin novel. He has had a lot of success with this novel, and is here to share some points about the book, and some points on writing and publishing.

1. Origins is a very entertaining book in its treatment of demons and humanizing of traditional monsters. Where did your idea come from?

Sean: The idea came from watching every movie and television show imaginable about vampires with my nine year old daughter. It seemed like every time a new one came out, the first question out of her mouth was, “Daddy, how do these vampires die?” or “Daddy, how come these vampires don’t burn in sunlight?” Origins was born from these questions and  I used the fact that there could be several different breeds of vampire to answer it.

2. Many authors have a favorite character in their novels who seems to write him/herself onto the pages. Which was your favorite character in Origins, and why?

Sean: Mine? Definitely Thompson. I had  Michael Clarke Duncan in mind when I wrote his part and he was sort of born. I love that he’s a werelion and I love he’s there to stick up for Ashlyn.

3. What is your favorite portrayal of a demonic character in stories you’ve read or grown up with?

Sean: Unfortunately, growing up demons were always portrayed as these horrific nightmarish creatures. I wanted to make mine a little cooler. While Ashlyn’s father is of the giant, eat your face off, winged variety, In the subsequent novels, the readers will be introduced to a variety of them. Some will be cool suave, and debonair…others not so much. Rarely are such demonic characters portrayed and I had never come across any until Buffy and Angel came around.

4. What is next for the Demonkin novels? Do you have a specific arc that you are going to work through, like Dan Simmon’s Hyperion series, or do new developments keep unfolding to build the series? I guess what I’m asking is, in this series, are you a planner, or pantser?

Sean: The sequel, Deceptions is undergoing final edits right now and should be out within the next few months. As for planning and unfolding. I am a TOTAL Pantser. I don’t even take grocery lists to the store when I’m shopping.

5. What is the most difficult thing for you to do in writing and publishing, and how did you solve that problem?

Sean: Editing my own works. I edit part time for other people and publishers, but when it comes to my own works…I’m sort of blind. I KNOW what i was trying to say. I KNOW what I meant. Doesn’t mean it’s always correct though! ~insert huge blush here~

6. What is the most key piece of advice for new writers/authors in general, something that you see that authors can address to make them more successful?

Sean: If you’re going to go with a small independent publisher, start early building up friends on social networks. I can’t stress this enough. Having a close knit group of author friends will do more for your writing career and marketing than you could EVER hope to do on your own. I have sold ten times as many books from my awesome support group tweeting and facebooking about them than I have tweeting and facebooking about them.

That is great advice! Relationship-building is critical in so many professions. I look forward to reading the rest of the series. Thank you so much for sharing your both insight into your very well-written novel, and your advice for other writers to become successful authors.

Sean Hayden’s novel Origins can be purchased on KindleSmashwords, and Barnes and Noble. In addition to Origins, he has also published Third Time, Lady Dorn, First Flight, and Second Chance, on both Kindle and Smashwords.

If you wish to contact Sean Hayden, you can reach him via Twitter at @shaydenFL, or on his website at http://www.seanhayden.org/. His books are also available there. Visit his blog for some great writing commentary!

In addition to checking out Origins, visit Laura Elliot’s new work 13 on Halloween at  http://laurasmagicday.wordpress.com/13-on-halloween-trailer/, and browse through other featured authors on the following YA Carnival links!

http://www.refractedlightreviews.com Danny Snell’s Refracted Light Reviews

http://pattilarsen.blogspot.com Patti Larsen, Author of The Ghost Boy of MacKenzie House, the Hunted series, and the Hayle Coven novels.

http://courtneycolewrites.wordpress.com Courtney Cole, Author of Every Last Kiss, Fated, Princess, and Guardian. Also a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
http://wrenemerson.wordpress.com Wren Emerson, Author of I Wish and a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.

http://laurasmagicday.wordpress.com Laura Elliott, Author of Winnemucca.

http://nicoleawilliams.blogspot.com Nichole A. Williams, Author of Eternal Eden, and the upcoming Fallen Eden. She is also participating in the Glassheart Chronicles.
http://fisheramelie.com/blog/ Fisher Amelie, Author of The Understorey, as well as a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
http://amyjonesyaff.blogspot.com Amy Maurer Jones, Author of The Soul Quest Trilogy as well as a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
http://thewarriorseries.blogspot.com T. R. Graves, Author of Warriors of the Cross.
http://ctefft.blogspot.com Cyndi Tefft, Author of Between
http://pjhoover.blogspot.com P.J. Hoover, Author of Solstice, The Emerald Tablet, The Navel of the World, The Necropolis.
http://www.aliciamccalla.com Alicia McCalla, Author of the upcoming science-fiction novel Breaking Free.

http://heathercashman.com/better_off_read Heather Cashman, Author of Perception.

http://www.abbiglines.com Abbi Glines, Author of Breathe, and the upcoming Existence and Vincent Boys.

http://cidneyswanson.blogspot.com/ Cidney Swanson, Author of Rippler.

http://cherischmidt.blogspot.com, Cheri Schmidt, Author of Fateful, Fractured, and Fair Maiden, Fire Dancer

http://www.lexusluke.com/, Lexus Luke, Author of Manitou, The Sky People Saga, Fire Breather

http://www.suzyturner.com/, Suzy Turner, Author of December Moon and Raven, Dragonslayer

http://kasi-kcblake.blogspot.com/, K. C. Blake, Author of Vampire Rules, Elephant Trainer

http://hereventuality.blogspot.com/, Gwenn Wright, Author of Filter, Ring-Leader

http://kimberlykinrade.com/, Kimberly Kinrade, Author of Bits of You, Pieces of Me and Forbidden Mind, Prestidigitator

http://jlbryanbooks.blogspot.com/, J.L. Bryan, Author of Paranormals series- Jenny Pox. Tommy Nightmare & Alexander Death

http://darbykarchut.com/ Darby Karchut, Author of Griffin Rising, and soon Griffin Fire

3 Responses to “YA Indie Carnival Featured Author: Sean Hayden”

  1. Great post/interview Rachel! Thanks for introducing me to Sean Hayden. I had never heard of him before and Origins sounds sooooooo awesome. I can’t wait to read it now! 🙂

  2. Great interview. I’ll have to add Origins to my TBR list. Thanks for the introduction.

  3. I hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed the interview! Feel free to drop me an email and let me know how you liked it! Info@seanhayden.org

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